Welcome to the UK Air Pollution Information System (APIS). Air pollution is one of the major environmental issues in the UK, with impacts occurring at local, regional and global scales. Much is known about the impacts on natural heritage features, with major steps already being taken in the development of abatement strategies both at national and international levels. It is clear, however, that there are still major gaps in the scientific understanding. This site provides a searchable database and information on pollutants and their impacts on habitats and species.

Air Pollution Information System

Latest news

2021 CAPER Conference announcement, 23rd–24th March

This annual conference provides an opportunity for researchers and policy makers working on air pollution effects on the natural environment to meet to present, and informally discuss, new advances in this field. This year, due to Covid-19, the conference will be online only.

CAPER: The Community of Air Pollution Effects Researchers

CAPER was established over 45 years ago, initially as a forum for scientists to brief fellow academics about their research and results of air quality effects on the natural environment.

Source Attribution Survey


The APIS programme are undertaking some development work and new modelling for attributing pollutant sources across the UK and protected network. Source Attribution data provides a snapshot of the mix of pollutant deposition by source sector emissions over a 5km grid or protected site in the UK. As part of this new work we would like to hear your views on the current source attribution data and how it is used in APIS. The survey https://ceh-online-surveys.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/source-attribution-survey-apis will take you around 10 minutes to complete. Your answers are important for the APIS steering group to more fully utilise source attribution data across the UK and protected site network.

APIS maintenance 17th August

APIS database is going to be temporarily down for maintenance on 17th of August from 17:30 to 20:30. This will affect the functionality of some parts of the website e.g. the SRCL tool and the Seach by Location will be unavailable.
