APIS is not designed to provide information on climate change and its impacts per se. Nevertheless, it is increasingly recognised that there are a number of interactions and synergies between air pollution and climate change policies and the resulting impacts.
Below are listed a few key information sources where climate change or climate/air pollution interactions are detailed further.
"The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) latest report (Fifth Assessment Report-AR5) will be completed in 2014. It comprises 4 parts:
- Working Group 1. ( 27 September, 2013) The Physical Science Basis
- Working Group 2. (31 March, 2014) Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability
- Working Group 3. (13 April, 2014) Options for Mitigation of Climate Change
- Synthesis Report (31 October, 2014)
It is also becoming clear that air pollution is both exacerbated by and a key driver of global climate change (Wang et al., 2014)
At an EU level the European Environment Agency (EEA) has produced a number of reports to assess the combined effects of air pollution in a changing climate, linked to policy outcomes. Two key reports are:
- EEA Technical report; Air Pollution and Climate Change policies in Europe: Exploring linkage and the added value of an integrated approach (2004)
- EEA. Technical report. Air Quality and Ancillary Benefits of Climate Change Policy (2006)
The European Topic Centre for Air Pollution and Climate Change Mitigation provides resources on cross-border approaches to these related issues.
At a UK level Defra host a good online resource for the interaction between climate change and air pollution. There are also 2 reports provide a useful examination of air pollution and climate change:
- Air Quality and Climate Change: A UK Perspective (2007)
- Air Pollution: Action in a changing Climate (2010)
There is also good guidance available on how local authorities can synergistically address climate change and air pollution issues
Within the U.K. the U.K. Climate Impacts Programme (UKCIP) provides a regularly updated "one-stop shop" for the latest news research and information relating to climate change and its impacts.