This site helps you find information and data on air pollution in Northern Ireland and related air quality issues.
This site helps you find information and data on air pollution in Northern Ireland and related air quality issues. |
These pages contain options for you to retrieve data relating to Air Quality in Scotland from the present day back to 1986. The database contains tables of measured concentration data and statistics from the air quality monitoring sites operated by Defra, the Scottish Government and Local Authorities. Estimates of emissions - the amount of pollution produced by a range of activities can be obtained from the National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory (NAEI) |
This website provides information about air quality, the polluants measured, impacts on the environment, and how air quality is monitored in Wales. |
National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory provides data on pollutant emissions and summary information on impacts. The NAEI compiles estimates of emissions to the atmosphere from UK sources such as cars, trucks, power stations and industrial plant. These emissions are estimated to help to find ways of reducing the impact of human activities on the environment and our health. |
The UK AIR (Air Information Resource) web pages provide in-depth information on air quality and air pollution in the UK. A range of information is available, from the latest pollution levels, pollution forecast information, a data archive, and details of the various monitoring networks. |
This site provides information on UK atmospheric deposition. Pollutant monitoring data, deposition and concentration maps (5x5km) and data, ammonia, acid gases and heavy metals monitoring network. |
ASSI information for Northern Ireland. |
The datasets available include digital boundaries for all:
The MAGIC website provides authoritative geographic information about the natural environment from across government. The information covers rural, urban, coastal and marine environments across Great Britain. |
Information on protected sites in Wales, including official citations for SSSIs. |
Information on SSSI in England, including official citations. |
Data and information about sites of national and international importance across Scotland. |
SAC selection pages from JNCC, includes details of all SACs in UK and of Annex I habitats and Annex II species. |
Protected sites information from JNCC. |
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. Provides links to working groups on the critical load mapping and modelling process. |
National Critical Loads Focal Centre. Includes maps and data for national critical loads (these are used in APIS but with some modification to allow user to define habitat rather than basing it on habitat maps). |
European Environment Agency providing information on a wide range of topics, including air quality at a European scale. |
Provides links to reports for air pollution projects funded by JNCC and partners. |
Simple Calculation of Atmospheric Impact Limits a suite of screening tools for assessing the impact from agricultural and combustion sources on semi-natural areas like SSSIs and SACs. |
Provides environmental guidance for small and medium-sized businesses in Scotland and Northern Ireland to help them understand what is needed to comply with environmental law and protect the environment. Provides information on environmental legislation. |
Guidance from the Environment Agency on Environmental Permitting in England. Includes a link to the Nature and Heritage Conservation pre-application screening service. This service identifies if there are any sites of heritage or nature conservation, protected species and habitats relevant to your proposed activity. Where there are, a map and information pack will be provided. |
Guidance from Natural Resource Wale for Installations. |
Local Air Quality Management Support Pages provided by Defra and the Devolved Administrations. |
Guidance notes for local authority-regulated industrial activities - A(2) and Part B activities. |
Information from NIEA on IPPC and links to guidance for applicants. |
SEPA guidance and information related to the PPC regulations. |