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The International Nitrogen Initiative (INI), Global Partnership on Nutrient Management (GPNM) and the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP) organized a successful session on Nitrogen: too much of a good thing at the Planet under Pressure conference March 26 in London. About 150 - 200 people visited the session, which covered a scientific and policy context as well as showing the issues from a different regional perspective. The session was followed by a poster session later that day, which was visited by most of the 3000 visitors and included more than 30 posters.

In the last five years many European nitrogen scientists were involved in the production of the European Nitrogen Assessment were organised. The European Nitrogen Assessment (or in short ENA) is the major outcome of the NinE programme, jointly with the COST Action 729 and the NitroEurope IP.
The ENA was publicly launched during the 'Nitrogen and Global Change' Conference, organised in Edinburgh (UK) from 11-14 April, 2011.
As part of recent workshops related to the impacts of nitrogen in the environment we have been discussing the possibilities for us personally to take action in reducing these impacts.
Food is a recurring theme, and based on this, the Barsac Declaration was drafted in collaboration between the NinE, BEGIN, COST 729, NitroEurope and TFRN networks. Ongoing scientific assessment in the area of food choice is being addressed by the Task Force on Reactive Nitrogen, through its Expert Panel on Nitrogen and Food.
Please read the declaration:
Barsac Declaration as pdf attached below (including signatories up to 1 March 2011).
Déclaration de Barsac (in French)
Barsac Declaration as html (Add your signature here if you agree to the Declaration).
In October 2007 during the successful 4th Nitrogen 2007 Conference in Brazil, the Nitrogen Visualisation was presented.
All participants were challenged to become the best global nitrogen manager using the Visualisation tool and earn free entrance to the next Nitrogen Conference (room, boarding and registration, travel costs not included) to be organized in New Delhi (India) in 2010. The contest is closed now and the winner will be presented shortly.
You can download the complete Nitrogen Visualisation from the INI site. Furthermore, if you have any suggestions about the Nitrogen Visualisation, please feel free to send them to If you want one or more hard copies (CD) of the Nitrogen Visualisation, you can ask for them using the same email address.
The Nitrogen Visualisation may prove to be useful in explaining the integrated nitrogen problems not only to yourself, but also to others. So, just download it, order hard copies, fill in the contest form and above all enjoy it!
We want to make a first attempt to get a database compiled of everybody involved in Nitrogen related activities. This database will contain information about persons, institutes, fields of expertise and networks and will be extended in the future. In order to search the database your have to register to this site and fill in your own profile.