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Other related activities

Here different activities are listed, that are related to the NinE programme.

ESF Conference "Reduced Nitrogen in Ecology and the Environment"

A ESF-FWF Conference in Partnership with LFUI on 'Reduced Nitrogen in Ecology and the Environment' was held at the Universitaetszentrum Obergurgl - Austria, on 13-18 October 2006. This conference was hosted at a great location and it was very sucessfull, also because of the presence of an inspiring group of scientists.

The programme for the conference can be found here as pdf-file and the different presentations can be found below as pdf-files. They are listed in alphabetical order (on author).
Name Title
Albert Bleeker Linking ammonia emission reduction and air concentrations and depositions of reduced nitrogen in Europe
Ana Alebic-Juretic Airborne ammonia and ammonium in the Northern Adriatic Area (Croatia)
Annika Nordin Reduced N in precipitation as N source for boreal bryophytes
Cristina Cruz Mediterranean ecosystems: the co-existence of plant species depends on soil ammonium concentrations
David Fowler Ammonia and air pollution
Detlev Moller The role of atmospheric ammonia in biogeochemical nitrogen cycling
Eiko Nemitz Ammonia - ammonium interactions: effects on surface/atmosphere exchange fluxes and the atmospheric aerosol loading
Francis Brian Pyatt Ammonia, particulates and nitrogen oxides: sources, monitoring and toxicologyrt oral sentations
Ineke Stulen The role of ammonia in plant physiology
Jan Roelofs Effects of reduced versus oxidised nitrogen on wetland and aquatic vegetation
Jan Willem Erisman Reduced Nitrogen in Ecology and the Environment
Johan Neirynck Bidirectional ammonia exchange above a mixed coniferous forest
John Walker Inferential modelling of ammonia dry deposition in the vicinity of a swine farm
Karel Borovec Denitrification process in energy sector and transport as source of increased nitrous oxide emissions
Lars Högbom Where does nitrogen goes in nitrogen rich forests?
Laszlo Horvath Measurement and modelling of ammonia flux between the atmosphere and terrestrial ecosystems in Hungary
Lucy Sheppard Comparison of effects of ammonia fumigation and the deposition of reduced and oxidised N on ombrotrophic bog in the Scottish Borders
Magdalena Wiedermann Enhanced nitrogen supply leads to changed plant chemistry and vegetation shift in boreal mire
Malcom Woodward Ammonia concentrations in nutrient deplete oceanic waters
Maren Voss Reduced nitrogen in coastal waters
Mark Sutton An historical perspective on ammonia
Mark Theobald Ammonia emissions from large animal colonies
Matthew Aitkenhead Ecosse ֠a globally applicable model of carbon and nitrogen dynamics in soil?
Nils Risgaard-Petersen Alternative pathways for removal of nitrogen from the sea
Oene Oenema Agriculture and reduced nitrogen: what goes in must come out
Pedro Pinho Impact of the different forms of nitrogen on lichen biodiversity in a Mediterranean climate
Peringe Grennfelt Why has nitrogen control failed within various policies
Peter Liss Air-Sea Exchange of Reduced Nitrogen Gases
Raia Silvia Massad Plant-atmosphere ammonia exchange: a modelling frame and the testing of different hypothesis to include plant metabolism
Roland Bobbink Differential effects of reduced versus oxidized N in species-rich grasslands and heathlands
Silvana Munzi Effects of KNO3, NH4NO3 and (NH4)2SO4 on the N-sensitive Evernia prunastri and the N-tolerant Xanthoria parietina lichens, and the role of polyamines
Simona Castaldi The role of leguminous plants in the nitrogen cycle and N inputs/outputs in Mediterranean shrubland ecosystems
Sofie Hellsten Temporal aspects in the UK ammonia emission inventory
Stefano Loppi Lichens as biomonitors of the effects of reduced nitrogen in the Mediterranean area
Szilvia Kugler Measurement and modelling of ammonia flux between the atmosphere and aquatic ecosystems in Hungary
Teresa Dias Ammonium in the soil: contribution to biodiversity and function in Mediterraneantype ecosystems?
Ulrich Daemgenn Emissions, atmospheric concentrations and bulk deposition of reduced nitrogen in Hesse, Germany - steps towards a comprehensive treatment of reactive nitrogen in the atmosphere
Viney Aneja Trends in agricultural ammonia emissions and ammonium concentrations in precipitation over the Southeast and Midwest United States

For more information about the different presentations, please contact the authors.